What compromises an individualized major?

In consultation with faculty mentors, most WSP students develop an individualized major. They do so as part of a carefully scaffolded educational planning process which we call the “educational design.” Students envision and create their educational designs while taking two courses in the program: WSP 201 & WSP 301. Visit the “Book of Majors” below to view the course requirements for more than 100 recent individualized majors in the Whittier Scholars Program. These majors exhibit the academic rigor and merit of Whittier Scholars individualized majors, and they also provide a glimpse of the exciting diversity of fields Whittier Scholars pursue, as well as the creativity and ambition students demonstrate.

Book of Majors


One of the key learning outcomes that all Whittier Scholars students achieve is the ability to clearly articulate WHY they take each course, WHY they select each internship or study abroad venue, etc. In other words, Whittier Scholars know the value of their college education because they are so deeply involved in planning their paths.


  • Please note that many of these majors include courses taken while studying abroad, or transferred in from other institutions. Such courses are not included in this overview, so be aware that some majors appear incomplete.